13 Tips That Will Ensure You Love Your Senior Photos

Your senior portrait session is an experience you’re always going to remember, but you also want to make sure that you’re walking away with photos that you love.

There is already a lot of planning that goes into a session of this nature, so if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, here are a few tips to keep on hand to help you feel more confident and prepared.

1.     Have a discussion with your photographer. Your photographer wants to know what you’re looking for. The more information they have, the better. If you’ve created a mood board, make a point of sharing it with your photographer.

2.     Get some advice. Many seniors end up with a few outfit ideas but can’t always decide what to wear. If this sounds familiar, send a few photos to your senior photographer to get their input. It helps to plan at least 2 – 3 outfits so that you have options. It also allows you to shoot more than one look on the day. But above all else, wear clothing that makes you feel comfortable and confident.

3.     Put a few accessories together. Accessories can give your photos that unique, personal touch, so bring a few options along with you on the day so that your photographer can help you decide what works best.

4.     Book your hair appointment ahead of time. Even though you shouldn’t make any drastic changes to your hair before your senior session, it’s still important to get a trim and color touch-up at least a week before.

5.     Skip the spray tan. Unless you’ve done it before and know what it will look like, it’s probably best to skip the spray tan for your senior session. This is because if a spray tan isn’t done right, it can make you look orange. If you want some color, rather use a light tanning mousse.

6.     Don’t skip the mani pedi. Believe it or not, you will notice your nails in your photos, so schedule a mani and pedi before your shoot.

7.     Think twice about underwear. When planning your outfits, make sure that you have lighter underwear for lighter clothing and darker underwear for darker clothing. The last thing you want is for your underwear to show through.

8.     Leave those blemishes alone. If a blemish or two pops up in the days before your shoot, just leave them be – don’t pick! Along with covering it up with a bit of makeup, your photographer will also be able to edit them out.

9.     Sparkles should be avoided. Because there’s a chance it might photograph weirdly, it’s best to avoid any shimmer body lotions and sparkly makeup.

10.  Stay hydrated. You’d be surprised at the difference water can make to your skin in your photos. Make sure you’re drinking enough in the days leading up to your shoot.

11.  Keep movement in mind. There’s a good chance you’ll be moving around quite a bit on the day, so pick your outfit accordingly. For example, sitting and moving around in a mini-skirt might make you feel uncomfortable.

12.  Get everything ready the night before. Instead of rushing on the morning of your senior session, rather get everything you need together in one place the night before.

13.  Bring someone along. If you’re feeling nervous about being in front of a camera, bring a friend or family member along with you.

Now that you have a better idea of how to plan for your shoot, you can relax and let your photographer do the rest.


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